Up for offer are the following styles:
American Flag

Essentially there are three meanings. The Thin Blue line represents the thin line Police Officers walk daily between life and death. The Thin Blue line represents the police officer role of separating the good from the bad while creating order from chaos. The Thin Blue line on black is a memorial or a connection or memory between Officers killed in the line of Duty and those who continue with their duties in the present.

When firefighters are periled, they place their lives second to those they protect. They are forced to face their own fears and grasp for every ounce of courage to perform the necessary task. “The Thin Red Line of Courage” represents the last ounce of courage firefighters find deep in their blood to conquer their darkest fears in order to save and protect life and property. It is displayed to show respect for firefighters injured and killed in the line of duty.
The Thin Red Line originally came about as a description used to refer to an outgunned military unit holding firm against attack

The Thin White Line represents emergency medical services. The thin white line differs from other thin lines in that the background is blue instead of black, with a white line crossing horizontally through the middle. Another version would be black background with white line.

The Thin Red Line represents Registered Nurses. The Thin Red Line differs from other thin lines in that the background is white instead of black, with a red line crossing horizontally through the middle

The Thin Silver Line represents Correctional Officers.

The Thin Green Line represents Federal Agents such as Border Patrol, Park Rangers, Game Wardens and Conservation Personnel. Some consider the Thin Green Line representing military as well.

The Thin Yellow Line represents Tow Truck Drivers, Security Guards and Loss Prevention. The Thin Gold Line is another version, which represents dispatchers.

The Thin Orange Line represents Search and Rescue Personnel (SAR).
Military Service style Flags are available
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